COVID-19: take time to look after your own wellbeing

Published April 24, 2024

With now 24 hour news and non-stop social media all taking about coronavirus and the various protocols we must take to protect ourselves and others it is all too easy to overlook our own health and whilst we take the opportunity to exercise daily for our physical health our mental health is equally important and must also be considered.

As small business owners, sole practitioners or with staff there are so many additional things to think of and consider at this time and there is nothing like uncertainty that will have an impact on our wellbeing. We all may well be experts in MSK related conditions but you are not expected to an expert in mental health too.

Here are some basic ideas to help diffuse and control a situation that can otherwise overpower our daily lives………..

Facts will minimise fear:   It is very easy to have a news overload. Take a break from it all if it is affecting you, including social media. Always remember that if you do want information get it from a reliable and trusted source only.

Cut down to just the news headlines and sources of information such as the DOH, Public Health England, local authorities. Also be careful of information that you in turn may share.

Have ‘you’ time:   clearly, we have time now for the hobbies we enjoy, it can and will distract your mind off things and aid relaxation. Take time to learn that new skill you have promised yourself, a new language, cooking, art.  These will also aid distraction and build confidence. Try to have a routine for each day and keep to it as much as possible.

Don’t overlook physical health:   Keeping physically active and healthy directly impacts on how we feel on a daily basis. Eat good balanced meals, stay well rested and keep active as much as possible, activities such as pilates, yoga, stretching and meditation can all help to relieve stress.

Maintain contacts:   if you are confined and self isolating, it can be a challenge and take some time to adapt to new routines. Try and stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. We have the technology now with video calls, virtual meetings and normal telephones to stay connected with each other. Sharing any positive experiences can help mental wellbeing.

Mutual support:   Stay connected to your network both personal and business. Even a basic telephone call or text can go a long way and have a positive effect. Re-establish old connections to build a larger mutual support network. 

Little people:   if you are a parent or grand-parent, it is important to be aware of the impact on children’s mental health too. Talk with them, explain and answer questions without alarming them their lives and routines are being disrupted too. You can help children to express feelings in positive ways, like being creative. 

Talk don’t ‘bottle’:   If you are feeling stressed or anxious, don’t bottle it up. It is important to talk to somebody you trust, like your partner, a friend, relative or colleague. It is in no way any sign of weakness, quite the contrary! There are of course other professionals who can assist if you feel you need help.

#staysafe and take time to look after yourself

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About the Author: Mark

Mark is the Creative Director at No Worries Marketing Solutions